The Board of Directors of Qatar Oman Investment Company is pleased to invite its valued shareholders to attend the General Assembly meeting of the company, which will be held at the Radisson blu – Giwana Hall at 6 pm on Wednesday , 8/3/2017 In case the quorum is not met, an alternate meeting will be held on Monday , 20/3/2017 ,at the same venue & time .
Agenda of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting
1 – Chairman speech and Board of Directors report about the activity of the company and its financial position ended December 31, 2016 and future plan of the company.
2 – Report by the External Auditor .
3- Discussion on Audited financial statement and profit and loss for the year ended December 31, 2016 .
4-Approval on the Board proposal for distribute of 5% cash dividends which representing 50 Dirhams per share .
5- Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors for the financial year ended December 31, 2016 and determine their remuneration .
6-Discuss the report of Corporate Governance for 2016.
7-Approve the appointment of external auditor for 2017 and determination of the annual fees.